UK’s first national Humanities festival

The UK’s first national festival dedicated to demonstrating the value, vitality and relevance of humanities research has been announced.

“Being Human” will explore what it means to be human. The festival will run from 15 to 23 November 2014 and is led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, in partnership with the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the British Academy.

Higher Education Institutions across the country are invited to apply for small grants to participate in the festival. The grants will fund creative programming which engages the public with leading humanities research, including debates, performances, virtual activities and exhibitions.

Held with the participation of arts and cultural organisations and universities across the UK, the festival will draw together the most exciting and inspiring work in the humanities research field to present a week of creative public events that inspire, inform and extend our contemporary thinking and imagination.

For further information go to:’s-first-national-festival-dedicated-to-the-humanities-is-announced.aspx

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