Joint Action on Health Inequalities – final conference reports[1]

The Equity Action final conference took place on the 23rd of January 2014 in Brussels. It brought together international experts on health inequalities, officials and policy makers from Member States and the EU and a range of key stakeholders.

Who was this for?

This conference was for leaders and champions at European and Member State and Regional level who are responsible for producing or shaping policies and strategies that address the social determinants of health such as housing, environment, education and employment, and those from NGOs and academia who are seeking to influence the uptake of policies to reduce health inequalities.

Key points

Equity Action has worked to strengthen the effectiveness of policy making and strategic actions to reduce health inequalities at member state, regional and EU levels. Work has included:

  • developing expertise in Health Impact Assessment and Health Equity Audit
  • improving the impact that Structural and Investment Funds have on tackling health inequalities
  • strengthening regional strategies to tackle health inequalities
  • broadening the evidence base on key issues such debt and financial insecurity
  • sharing good practice on stakeholder engagement to tackle health inequality together

Learn more about Equity Action

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