Professorship/Associate Professorship Call 2014 – Advisory Sessions

To support the Professorship/Associate Professorship call announced by the Vice Chancellor, Dr Steve Wyn Williams will run two sessions that are designed to guide prospective applicants on the conferment process and criteria.

The sessions will be held on:-


  • Monday 3rd March at 9.30 am in Cadman Conference Room, Cadman Building, Stoke
  • Monday 10 March at 10.00 am in C346, Beacon Building, Stafford


Both sessions will run for around two hours

In order to ensure that there is sufficient time for questions and discussion, attendance will be capped at thirty members of staff at each session. If necessary an additional session will be arranged during early March.

Places must be booked and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. To book a place, please email Richard Gorton: by no later than 24th February.  When replying, please state whether your booking is for 3rd or 10th March.

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About Holly Hoar

I am the Development Officer (Research & Funding) in Research, Business and Employability Services. The Research team provides information to University staff on external funding, partners, and innovation activities. The team works with researchers and academic staff to help diversify income for Staffordshire University. Our Research and Funding Blog contains information on funding opportunities and the activities of the team. See my staff profile here