The European Commission needs independent experts for Horizon 2020. As well as attracting the best academic researchers, the Commission wants to boost the number of specialists from the world of business.
Experts are needed for monitoring funded projects as well as evaluating proposals for funding, programme evaluation and policy development. A broad range of fieldsĀ is covered including science, technology, innovation, social sciences and humanities, business and more, as set out in full in the published call.
The objective is to ensure that EU grants are awarded only to the best research and innovation proposals, based on a rigorous peer-review process.
Interested candidates are invited to apply online.
The call will remain open for the entire duration of Horizon 2020 (2014-2020).
Experts who registered under the 7th Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7, 2007-13) and are interested in applying for Horizon 2020 assignments must signal their interest by selecting the new programme in the online platform, and update their fields of expertise.
Full online support including FAQs is available from the same page.