Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: MSCA Individual Fellowships Call

The call for the 2014 Individual Fellowships, under the Marie Skłowdowska-Curie Actions, has been published on the Participant Portal.

The  Individual Fellowships Guide to Applicants can be found on the Portal through the Call Documents tab for the IF call.
The link to the submission service is not yet active and will become available over the coming weeks – currently expected to be during April.

The deadline for the 2014 Individual Fellowships call is 11 September 2014.

UKRO is planning three information and proposal writing sessions on the Individual Fellowships across the UK in May/June 2014. Dates, venues and registration information will be published over the coming weeks on this blog.
The European Commission will be organising a joint webinar information seminar on the Individual Fellowships and COFUND calls on 10 June 2014. We will circulate further details of the seminar as soon as they become available.