A comparison of FP7 and Horizon 2020


The most important changes are outlined below:

Description FP7 Horizon2020
Focus Research Research and Innovation
Budget 55 billion € ~ 79 billion €
Components Cooperation, Capacities, People, Ideas, Euratom, JRC Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership, Societal challenges,   Spreading Excellence, Science for Society, EIT, JRC, Euratom
Funding rate (up to) for research 75% 100%
Funding rate (up to) for Demonstration/ Innovation projects 50% 70%
100% for non-profit organizations
Overhead/indirect costs Different   models (20% 60% or actual) 25%
Time-to-grant 12 months in average after submission of proposal reduced to 8 months
Ex-ante financial viability check All   beneficiaries exceeding 500,000 EUR EU contribution Coordinators
Audit certificates to be submitted All beneficiaries exceeding 375,000 EUR EU contribution – cumulative   in periods All beneficiaries exceeding 325,000 EUR EU contribution – only one at   the end of the project
Interest on pre-financing Reported by the coordinator No need to declare
Thematic approach “Cooperation” 10 themes Will be under “Industrial leadership” and “Societal challenges”
Frontier Research, ERC New in FP7 – Ideas block Extended under the “Excellent Science” pillar


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