EPSRC International research in security (IRIS)


EPSRC is inviting proposals from UK academics for projects which will support visiting Fellows from India, Israel or Japan to carry out cyber security  research in and build collaborative links with the UK. Proposals are welcome in any area of research directly relevant to cyber security, including less well-represented domains such as the social, economic and mathematical sciences.

UK higher education institutions, research institutes funded by research councils and independent research organisations may apply. The visiting fellows must be of recognised research standing internationally, but they need not be academic researchers.

Awards cover the resources necessary to support a visiting fellow for a total of up to six months over one to four visits in a two-year period. The total budget of £1.2 million will fund around 20 visiting fellows.

Closing date: 28th August 2014

Full Call document: International Research in Security (PDF 124KB)

For further information: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/2014/Pages/iris.aspx

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