H2020 – wide range of volume of applications per call


Data released on five Horizon 2020 calls that closed in April show a wide variation in application volume, ranging from only one to over 450 responses per call.

Of the programmes for which data has been released, a call for personalising health and care under the societal challenges pillar was most popular. With a budget of €185 million, the call received 451 proposals. The data was published on the European Commission’s Research & Innovation Participant Portal between 12 and 15 May.

A health co-ordination activities call, also part of the societal challenges pillar, received 49 proposals. The call carries a total budget of €40m. There were 26 proposals for a €6m call for joint EU-Japan call relating to the future of the internet. This call is part of the industrial leadership pillar.

The least popular calls were both under the programme’s excellent science pillar, each of which received only one proposal. The e-infrastructures call has a budget of €13m, while the call for supporting innovation, human resources, policy and international cooperation carries a budget of €2m. –

Summary of 2014 work programme:


Number of responses per call:
