Case Study: ARBOR




External Projects Team: Enterprise and Commercial Development











Staffordshire University, United Kingdom (Lead Partner)

Lead contact

Prof Tarik Al-shemmeri,

 Funding body/ amount received

ARBOR budget is €7.361.958

ARBOR has received European Regional Development Funding through INTERREG IVB

Project Partners

Project /Scheme title ARBOR – Accelerating Renewable Energies through Valorisation of Biogenic Organic Raw Material


Summary ARBOR aims to foster trans regional knowledge sharing to exploit the biomass potential of both the rural and the industrialised North West European regions through promotion of best practice examples

Reduce territorial disparities that exist in regulations and policies that stimulate and/or inhibit the development of a harmonised biomass based renewable energy policy

Reduce technological barriers to the development of an efficient value chain for the conversion and optimisation of biomass to energy and subsequent recovery of residues from biomass conversion processes

Evaluate the sustainability and economic aspects of various biomass conversion technologies

Boost local economies and contribute to the development of a green, low carbon economy in NWE

Inform local, regional and European stakeholders on the potential of biomass feedstock and biomass conversion technologies in achievement of the EU 2020 renewable energy targets

Raise public support through a range of communication tools and activities

Timescale 25th September 2009 to 31st March 2015
Outcomes Publications, radio interviews, newspaper articles. Short courses, open days
Future / ongoing activities as a result of this project A six month extension has been approved until September 2015 to ensure all aims are fully realised and outcomes are widely publicised to key stakeholders and the general public. Due to the success of the project so far, the consortium has already begun looking at future EU funding opportunities for projects that could build on the achievements of ARBOR.
Top tips for working with this funder – The right balance of partners, from as many countries as possible, including different professional backgrounds.
How easy was the application process? Lengthy but easy to follow, provided work is shared at the outset, and there was good regional EU reps to help, use them, they are very helpful.
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