Announced in the budget, the Institute will build on the nation’s strengths and help position the UK as a world leader in the analysis and application of Big Data.
The call for expressions of interest opened on 18 July and will close on 30 October.
Minister of State for Universities and Science, Greg Clarke said:
It is a fitting tribute to Alan Turing that this Institute will push the boundaries of mathematics and lead the way in research, education and knowledge transfer.
The Institute’s objective will be to ensure that the UK remains at the forefront of the analytical methods that support the country’s ability to exploit publicly or privately owned large datasets.
It will provide a national centre to promote advanced research and translational work in the application of data science and the associated computational algorithms.
The government’s investment of £42 million to 2020 includes an initial capital investment of £20 million and support for operating costs to assist in funding the Institute.
The Institute will have a physical location and will bring together leaders in advanced mathematics and computing science. Its work is expected to encompass a wide range of scientific disciplines and be relevant to a wide range of business sectors.