Up Coming Funding Events

Now that people are returning from summer breaks it seems a good time to send a reminder out for the three upcoming funding events being run by the External Projects Team.

Find Funding for your Research                        Wednesday 17 September 10:00-11:00

Workshop on using Research Professional to find the latest research funding in your field.


British Academy Visit to Staffordshire University     Thursday 2 October 13:00-16:00

Delegates will learn more about the scheme requirements, success rates, what assessors look for and how best to present applications.


Be a part of European funding    Thursday 20 November various times for each session

Four sessions on various European funding schemes. This year’s visit has a focus on partnering with businesses.


Visit the links above for full details on each event and how to book.


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About Holly Hoar

I am the Development Officer (Research & Funding) in Research, Business and Employability Services. The Research team provides information to University staff on external funding, partners, and innovation activities. The team works with researchers and academic staff to help diversify income for Staffordshire University. Our Research and Funding Blog contains information on funding opportunities and the activities of the team. See my staff profile here http://www.staffs.ac.uk/staff/profiles/heh2.jsp