HEFCE launch of the Interactive Data Toolkit: ‘What a difference having a University in your area makes!’

Please find attached a Web link to the Ineractive Data Toolkit, following the recent launch of the detailed Data Maps by the Higher Education Funding Council for England.

The initial discussions of the extremely useful HEFCE data (in the media and elsewhere) appears to be focused on the identification of geographical ‘Cold Spots’ in educational provision generally, for students of all ages.

However, with creative use of the data and an imaginative strategy, Universities acting as ‘Anchor Institutions’ in localities will become educational, cultural and economic ‘Hotspots’. Well that’s the general idea. It is recommended by HEFCE that the Data and Interactive Data Toolkit should be actively used by all interested faculties in the universities. In most Universities that means a considerable number of teams and departments should be using this new Toolkit.

The Link to HEFCE:
