Building and Social Housing World Habitat Awards

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The Building and Social Housing Foundation invites preliminary submissions for the World Habitat Awards. The awards were established in 1985 as part of its contribution to the United Nations International Year of Shelter for the Homeless. Two awards are given annually to projects that provide practical and innovative solutions to current housing needs and problems. Suggested areas for submission include:

  • provision of low-cost, affordable housing for low-income households
  • environmentally sustainable housing
  • restoration of existing housing
  • provision of housing designed to withstand natural disasters
  • housing provision for those with special needs
  • technical innovation
  • housing developed and managed on a cooperative or other socially sustainable basis
  • projects and processes that ensure the right to land and housing

Any individual, organisation or government with an innovative and practical solution to housing needs and problems may apply. Applications should relate to housing projects and processes that are either completed or in progress. Submissions may be made in English, Spanish or French.

Awards of £10,000 will be made to each of the two winning projects at the World Urban Forum (even years) and UN-Habitat Governing Council (odd years).

Closing date 30 Apr 15

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