2. Awarding Authority: Leicester City Council, 4th Floor, Rutland Wing, 115 Charles Street Leicester LE1 1FZ. Tel: 0116 454 4032. Email: procurementquotations@leicester.gov.uk (Amina Laher, Procurement Officer).
3. Contract type: Service contract
4. Description: The awarding authority’s LCB Depot Business Development Team helps develop new and existing creative and technology business tenants at our 4 managed workspace sites across Leicester and the wider sector communities.
As part of the service to our tenants and the wider creative and technology businesses in Leicester, the Business Development Team is looking to deliver a programme of workshops to help businesses to consider, prepare and embark on an export strategy for their business.
These activities are funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and therefore all documents relating to this activity will have to adhere to our funder’s guidelines, including presentations on standard ERDF templates and using ERDF logos on any material such as hand-outs. The ERDF publicity toolkit is available at https://www.gov.uk/erdf-national-guidance.
5. CPV Code(s): 80000000, 80500000,
6. NUTS code(s): UKF UKF2 UKF21,
7. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Not Provided.
8. Reference attributed by awarding authority: REFERENCE PAN0758
9. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided.
10. Document available until: 22.10.2014.
11. Address to which they must be sent: For further information and instructions on how to register your interest in the above contract notice please visit Website: http://www.sourcederbyshire.co.uk/contracts/show/id/11235
12. Other information: Est. start date: 27/10/2014
Est. end date: 30/11/2014
To respond to this opportunity either:1 Click on the “Apply Online” button to be found below the contact details to the right of this screen which will take you to the EastMidsTenders portal. Click on the “View Opportunities” button to view contracts and locate the Appointment of an Export Specialist Practitioner/Trainer to Deliver Workshops (PAN0758) opportunity. Register if you have not already done so to express an interest and gain access to the quotation document.
2 Paste the following link into your web browser: https://www.eastmidstenders.org/procontract/emp/supplier.nsf/frm_opportunity?openForm&contract_id=CONTRACT-9PQE-MJ42OS&opp_id=OPP-HIS-9PUE-M6SJ4B&search_id=&org_id=ORG-EASD-98TLGG&from=supplier_home to view the Appointment of an Export Specialist Practitioner/Trainer to Deliver Workshops (PAN0758) opportunity. Register if you have not already done so to express an interest and gain access to the quotation document.
Only quotations on the form below will be accepted. However, any supporting documents will be considered. Submissions must be received via the via the EastMidsTenders portal: https://www.eastmidstenders.org/index.html
This should be returned by 14.00hrs on 22 October 2014 at the very latest.
Organisations are asked to regularly check this opportunity on Source Leicestershire for any updates. Any advertised opportunity might be updated or removed at short notice due to unforeseen circumstances.
Applicants should note that due to the technicality of the software package being used to create this advert, this Opportunity will become “invisible” at midnight, 21 October 2014. Applicants are therefore requested to save all documentation relating to this Opportunity locally
Contract Type One off
Procurement Process Quotation
Category Training & Conferences, Business, Commercial, Consultancy, Professional & Advisory Services,
Suitable for SME: Yes.
Submission return by: 22 October 2014
This contract is managed through an electronic process. To request documentation click ‘Apply online’ button on the stated website.
13. Submitted date: 13.10.2014.

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