EUREKA invites proposals for its Celtic-Plus call


EUREKA aims to develop marketable products and services by concentrating on creating bottom-up, near-market projects generated by the project partners themselves.

EUREKA invites proposals for its Celtic-Plus call. Funding supports projects on the following themes:

•get connected, including network elements and infrastructures;

•while connected, including end-to-end services and applications, digital home, digital enterprises, digital city, digital school, digital transport, e-health, security, privacy and identity;

•future internet relations, including further developments of the network infrastructure, making the internet a high-quality service platform, introducing the Celtic-Plus use case factory and contributing to future internet capacity building and test-cases or platforms;

•green-internet relations, including consideration of environmental issues in information and communication technologies, encouraging better energy efficiency and developing a multidisciplinary approach.

Each project must involve at least two partners from two different countries. Consortia is open to any type of company covering the Celtic-Plus research areas, large industry as well as small companies or universities and research organisations. Companies outside the EUREKA countries may participate as well.

The average budget for a Celtic-Plus consortium is between €1 million and €70m over 24 to 36 months.


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