ESRC urban transformations research call


The Economic and Social Research Council invites applications for its urban transformations research call.

This supports new research that adds significant value to the broad portfolio of cities and urban transformations research currently supported by the ESRC. The topics of social innovation, urban living and technology, and urban economies are of particular interest. Proposals for this call should adopt one or more of the following cross-cutting areas:

•inequalities, diversities and difference;

•politics, governance and democracy.

Proposals featuring elements of comparative urban research, the utilisation and exploitation of new and existing data, and co-design and co-production with non-academic stakeholders are welcome.

Grants are worth between £750,000 and £1 million at 80 per cent full economic cost over a maximum of three years. The total funding amount for this call is £3m.

Closing date 05 Feb 15

Further details