The Leverhulme Trust; Artist in Residence Grants


These awards enable UK universities and museums to foster new creative collaboration with an artist working in a discipline outside the institution’s usual curriculum. There must be a distinct contrast between the artist and the host department’s expertise, for example a poet hosted by a physics department or a composer by a geography department.

Applications should be submitted by an employee of the host institution who will act as the host for the artist and coordinate the residency and all related activities. They should name a specific artist, who may be a visual artist, creative writer, musician, poet or other producer of creative work, in the application.

Grants are worth up to £15,000 and typically support a 10-month period, during which the artists are present at the institution for two days per week. They include artists’ stipends of up to £12,500, which may cover travel expenses, consumable costs and materials of up to £2,500.

Application details are expected to be available from late spring 2015 from here:

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