2015 Philip Leverhulme Prizes



Philip Leverhulme Prizes recognise the achievement of outstanding researchers whose work has already won international recognition and whose future is exceptionally promising. In 2015 there are thirty prizes available across six broad subject areas,

Prizes offer £100,000 over two or three years and may be used for any purpose that advances the prize-winner’s research, with the following exceptions: salary costs for the prize-winner, capital costs, and institutional overheads.

In 2015, applications are invited from researchers working in the following subject areas: Classics, Earth Sciences, Physics, Politics and International Relations, Psychology and Visual and Performing Arts. The subject areas are intentionally broad and they encourage applicants to consider which best reflects their area of research, irrespective of their departmental affiliation.

To be eligible, applicants must hold a post in a UK university or research institution and must have received their highest degree no earlier than 14 May 2005 (exceptions will be considered where applicants have had a distinct career break).

Applicants must be nominated by their head of department (or equivalent). Applicants may be nominated in one subject area only. Full details of the nomination process are available on the Leverhulme Trust website.

Closing date: 4pm on 14 May 2015

Guidance and nominations: Full scheme details and the online nomination form are available on the Leverhulme Trust website (http://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/funding/PLP/PLP.cfm?utm_source=jobsac&utm_medium=online&utm_content=psych&utm_campaign=plp)

The prizes commemorate the contribution to the work of the Trust made by Philip Leverhulme, the Third Viscount Leverhulme and grandson of the William Hesketh Lever, the founder of the Trust.