Scientists – spend a week with an MEP


​The MEP-Scientist Pairing Scheme 2015 is calling for applications from researchers who would like to interact with Members of  the European Parliament (MEPs) and provide scientific expertise. The aim of the scheme is to enhance knowledge-based decisions and to facilitate better public awareness of EU policies and to foster greater mutual understanding.

Successful applicants will be paired with MEPs and will be invited to Brussels later in 2015 for a week where they will have the opportunity to follow MEPs in their daily political activities and learn about EU policy in the area of research. There would then be follow-up event organised by the MEPs which could include workshops, visits to local research facilities, press conferences and exhibitions.

The selection criteria specify specific fields of research, which are linked to the priority areas of the European Parliament’s Science and Technology Options Assessment bureau (STOA), an in-house service which also uses external expertise and provides its services to the European Parliament’s Committees. These are:

  • Eco-efficient transport and modern energy solutions;
  • Sustainable management of natural resources;
  • Potentials and challenges of the Information Society;
  • Health and life sciences; and
  • Science, technology and innovation policy.

These areas are to be understood in a broad sense and both natural scientists in state-of-the-art innovative areas (energy storage, renewable energy, photonics, innovative production etc.) and social scientists (jobs and growth, indicators, foresight etc.) are encouraged to apply.

There is no research funding available but researchers participating in the scheme will be reimbursed for travel and accommodation when the come to Brussels.

The deadline for applications is 31 July 2015 and all details on the application process can be obtained form the invitation document.

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