Leverhulme Trust – International Networks


Up to £125,000 over up to three years to allow a UK-based researcher to build a new collaborative research project with overseas institutions. First-stage outline applications can be submitted at any time.These collaborations enable a Principal Investigator based in the UK to lead a research project where its successful completion is dependent on the participation of relevant overseas institutions.A significant research theme must be identified at the outset which requires for its successful treatment international collaboration between one or more UK universities, and two or more overseas institutions (up to a maximum of seven institutions in total). Networks must be newly constituted collaborations. Applicants should provide an explicit statement as to why a network is the most appropriate format for addressing the chosen research theme.

Full justification should be given for the involvement of all participants, with each participant bringing specific – and stated – expertise which can directly contribute to the success of the project. Details of the proposed methodology for the research project should be provided at the outset, as well as a clear indication of the anticipated outcomes (publications, websites), and of the dissemination strategy to be adopted.

Value and Duration

Awards are normally made up to £125,000, although requests for higher amounts will be considered if an appropriate case can be made. Grants are made for periods of no more than three years.

Eligible research areas

The following guidelines are drawn to the attention of potential applicants:

  • The trust does not fund studies of disease, illness and disabilities in humans and animals, or research that is intended to inform clinical practice or the development of medical applications.
  • The Trust does not fund policy-driven research where the principal objective is to assemble an evidence base for immediate policy initiatives.
  • The Trust will not fund applications for research of which advocacy forms an explicit component.
  • The Trust does not support research which is aimed principally at an immediate commercial application.
  • The Trust will not fund applications in which the balance between assembling a data bank or database and the related subsequent research is heavily inclined to the former.
  • The Trust does not fund applications in which the main focus is on capacity building, networking, or the development of the skills of those involved.

If you are uncertain about eligibility, telephone or email the Trust before submitting an application.

The Trust’s approach to grant-making

Specific attention is paid to the reasons given by applicants in justifying their choice of the Trust as the most appropriate agency for the support of their project. Applicants are therefore strongly advised to consult the statement on the Leverhulme Trust’s approach to grant-making.

Costs, eligibility and application information

There are no deadlines for Outline Applications, and their assessment is normally completed within three months

  • An invitation to progress to the second stage – preparation of a Detailed Application – will be sent to those whose Outline Application has been approved.


Nicola Thorp (020 7042 9872)

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