Submit your COST Action proposal

COST is the longest-running European framework supporting trans-national cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe.

It is a unique means for them to jointly develop their own ideas and new initiatives across all fields in science and technology, including social sciences and humanities, through pan-European networking of nationally funded research activities. Based on a European intergovernmental framework for cooperation in science and technology, COST has been contributing – since its creation in 1971 – to closing the gap between science, policy makers and society throughout Europe and beyond. As a precursor of advanced multidisciplinary research, COST plays a very important role in building a European Research Area (ERA).

It anticipates and complements the activities of the EU Framework Programmes, constituting a “bridge” towards the scientific communities of COST Inclusiveness Target Countries. It also increases the mobility of researchers across Europe and fosters the establishment of scientific excellence.

You can submit your COST Action proposal at any time throughout the year via the new e-COST online submission tool. The fall 2015 Collection Date is 8 September 2015.

COST invites proposals for Actions contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe.

The Call is open to ideas in all fields of Science and Technology including Humanities and Social Sciences. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged.

The COST Open Call will continue having the spring and autumn Collection Dates, when all submitted proposals are gathered and evaluated.

The new set of COST Implementation Rules outlines procedures and conditions for participating in and setting up COST Actions.

The new Action Proposal Submission, Evaluation, Selection and Approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, in line with the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of COST.

The guidelines for the SESA procedure and evaluation criteria are available here. The anonymity criterion is also described in detail here.

Researchers benefit from a one-stage submission. The proposal requires filling in several sections via the new e-COST online submission tool as well as the Technical Annex of up to 15 pages, uploaded via the same tool.

The way to a successful COST Action proposal: SESA procedure explained

This video will take you through the entire Open Call process. You can also download the basic presentation