Annual UKRO event: Presentations available

Last Wednesday Dec 9th the Research Services team, from Research Business & Employability Services, hosted Blazej Thomas from the UK Research Office as part of our annual programme of events for research active academics.

Prof Allan Howells, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Enterprise and External Affairs) introduced the day.  The invitation only event was attended by over 30 academics from all faculties across the university – who engaged with selected topics form the upcoming H2020 calls. Blazej shared lessons learnt from the first H2020 call rounds, as well as exploring specific themes from the funding programme.

In the afternoon the focus was on the Marie Skladowska Curie programme –where Blazej was able to clarify the detail of the programme to those intending to bid.

Copies of the presentations are available on request from

Image – Sean Farrell, Development Manager RBES; Naomi Arblaster Development Manager RBES; Prof Allan Howells, Vice-Chancellor, Research, Enterprise and External Affairs; Blazej Thomas, European Advisor UKRO; Jose Beech, Development Manager RBES; Emma Davies, Head of Research Services RBES.