Latest funds on Research Professional 28/01/2016

Bi-weekly highlight of new funds posted on Research Professional.

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks

Schools finance health competition

Innovate UK, GB

Funding supports phase two projects that aim to develop and evaluate prototypes or demonstrators, which offer practical solutions to enable improved financial health and efficiency savings in schools, without harming outcomes for pupils. The total budget for phase two is £200,000, including VAT. Each project may receive up to £100,000 over a maximum period of one year.

Maximum award: £100,000

Closing date: 24 Feb 16


Research associateships

Modern Humanities Research Association, GB

These support the completion of research projects through the provision of part-time research assistance. Up to three awards of £23,000 each are available for one year only.

Maximum award: £23,000

Closing date: 29 Feb 16 (recurring)


Small research study funding scheme

Posture and Mobility Group, GB

Funding supports research projects that promote best practice, provide training, collate information and advise stakeholders on posture and wheeled mobility services. Grants are worth up to £7,500 each and cover the replacement salary costs as well as other research expenses.

Maximum award: £7,500

Closing date: 29 Feb 16 (recurring)


International fellowship for midwives

Wellbeing of Women, GB

This fellowship enables midwives to further develop research interests in midwifery, maternity services, pregnancy, childbirth and women’s health from an international perspective. Each fellowship is worth up to £20,000, which is available to contribute to salary, research and travel costs.

Maximum award: £20,000

Closing date: 07 Mar 16


Awards for travel to Canada – academic staff and doctoral students

Canada-UK Foundation , GB

These enable faculty and doctoral students pursuing Canadianist research in UK universities to make a research visit to Canada. Awards are worth £1,000 each for visits lasting a minimum of one week.

Maximum award: £1,000

Closing date: 15 Mar 16 (recurring)


Efficacy and mechanism evaluation programme – researcher-led workstream

Department of Health including NIHR, GB

This supports research into interventions based in or used by the NHS and its partners, including clinical trials and evaluative studies of novel and repurposed interventions. There is no fixed limit on project duration. All funding should be clearly justified, but there is no upper limit.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 15 Mar 16 (recurring)


Environmental risks to infrastructure – knowledge exchange fellowship call

Natural Environment Research Council, GB

This aims to support infrastructure owners, operators, regulators and policy-makers to enable them to access and use environmental science to identify, quantify and manage environmental risks to infrastructure. The award is worth up to £40,000.

Maximum award: £40,000

Closing date: 17 Mar 16


Four year PhD studentships

British Heart Foundation, GB

These allow universities in the UK to recruit up to four students per year for four years into the cardiovascular research programme. The studentship includes a student stipend at the standard BHF rate, university PhD tuition fees at the home rate only and consumable costs of £8,000 for the first year and £14,000 per year thereafter.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 31 Mar 16