Latest funds on Research Professional 26/02/2016

Bi-weekly highlight of new funds posted on Research Professional.

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks, or set up your own Opportunities Alert to highlight when funding in your research area comes up.


Open knowledge exchange fellowships

Natural Environment Research Council, GB

These enable the sharing and flow of knowledge and expertise between the NERC-funded researchers and their user communities. The fellowships will cover 100 per cent of the fellow’s salary on a pro-rata basis including superannuation, national insurance and specific allowances, in addition up to £40,000 is available for travel and other associated costs. Awards can be between one and three years in duration.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 17 Mar 16


Industry fellowships

Royal Society, GB

These enable academic scientists to work on collaborative projects with industry, or individuals employed in industry to work on collaborative projects with university departments or non-profit research organisations. Fellowships support a period of up to two years and cover fellows’ basic salary during the secondment as well as research expenses of up to £2,000 per year.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 31 Mar 16 (recurring)


Prize for newer researchers

Society for Research into Higher Education, GB

This provides support for early stage researchers in the field of higher education research by enabling them to undertake a research project in their own right, or develop research skills which will help advance their research career. Grants are worth £3,000 each and are available for projects lasting one year.

Maximum award: £3,000

Closing date: 31 Mar 16 (recurring)


General project funding

Education Endowment Foundation, GB

This is for evaluating interventions or approaches that improve the learning and development of children aged three and four, as well as pupils in mainstream schools from ages five to 16. Grants are usually worth between £90,000 and £1.8million each.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 01 Apr 16


Programme grants for applied research

Department of Health including NIHR, GB

These support high-quality projects, feasibility or pilot studies that aim to provide evidence to improve health outcomes in England through promotion of health, prevention of ill health, and optimal disease management, with particular emphasis on conditions causing significant disease burden. The award amount and funding period depends on the nature of the proposed work. There is no fixed upper limit, although funding in excess of £2.5 million is unusual.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 06 Apr 16 (recurring)


Centre for doctoral training – modelling and quantitative skills in ecology and evolution

Natural Environment Research Council, GB

These aim to train the next generation of UK environmental scientists in various aspects of data collection, modelling, statistical analysis and inference with input from a range of quantitative disciplines, producing researchers with substantial quantitative expertise capable of developing new theoretical modelling methods. Studentships are worth up to £84,936 each.

Maximum award: £84,936

Closing date: 13 Apr 16


Carnevali small research grants scheme

Economic History Society, GB

This encourages small-scale research initiatives or pilot studies in economic or social history. Grants are worth up to £5,000 each.

Maximum award: £5,000

Closing date: 01 May 16 (recurring)



Health technology assessment programme: researcher-led workstream – evidence synthesis – 15/187

Department of Health including NIHR, GB

This programme supports research that is immediately useful to patients, clinical practice, and policy and decision makers, assessing the effectiveness of technologies within the NHS.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 05 May 16



Major research fellowships in the humanities and social sciences

Leverhulme Trust, GB

These enable well-established researchers in the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences to devote themselves to a single research project. Fellowships are awarded for two to three years and cover salary costs for an individual to undertake the normal duties of the fellow, as well as research expenses worth up to £6,000 per year.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 05 May 16



Research grants programme

Arts Council England, GB

These support projects that aim to better understand the impact of arts and culture and promote greater collaboration and co-operation between the arts and cultural sector and research partners. The budget for 2016-17 is £1.11 million and grants are worth between £50,000 and £200,000 in total. Actions must take place between 1 October 2016 and 31 October 2018.

Maximum award: £200,000

Closing date: 05 May 16 (recurring)