Trans-Atlantic Platform: Digging into Data Challenge





The ESRC and AHRC, on behalf of the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP), announce the launch of the T-AP Digging into Data Challenge. Building upon the success of previous Digging into Data Challenge calls, this expanded multi-lateral collaboration involves 16 funding agencies from 11 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, the UK, and the US).

Applications are invited for innovative interdisciplinary collaborative research projects which use large-scale, digital data analysis techniques to address important social science and humanities research questions, whilst demonstrating how these techniques can lead to new theoretical insights.

The UK funders are particularly interested in receiving proposals which address the following challenges:

  • Interpreting data: using data-based analysis, modelling and simulation techniques to gain new insights into how an increasingly connected and digital world is changing the ways in which groups and individuals are interacting, including but not limited to the creation and development of creative, cultural, and societal processes and phenomena, as well as analysis of historical trends and linguistic change;
  • Novel application of data: using one or more data sources which were not originally designed/generated/collected for research purposes, for example open data/open source systems or ‘live’ data generated in real-time, either alone or in combination to address humanities and/or social science research questions; and
  • Employing multi-form or multi-source data in research: exploring the potential for calibration, combination and interoperability of datasets in two or more different formats and/or from two or more different sources in order to address humanities and/or social science research questions.

Projects must consist of teams from least three member countries. More than one team may be included per partner country, but all projects must include partners from both sides of the Atlantic. Applications which include one UK team may request up to £150,000, whilst projects involving two or more UK teams may request up to £200,000, which will be paid at 80 per cent Full Economic Cost (fEC). Projects may last between 24 and 36 months.

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