The Centre for Health and Development: April 14th 2016

CHAD Logo Final






CHAD –  the Centre for Health and Development is a unique collaboration between local public services and Staffordshire University dedicated to the pursuit of minimising health inequalities and improving the health of the population of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

The primary focus of CHAD is the translation and application of research evidence into good practice and vice versa, for the purpose of improving health and wellbeing outcomes across the local population.

CHAD is holding a set of workshops to explore their research and funding priorities, aimed at academics, public health professionals and the voluntary and community sector:

On Thursday 14th April 2016, 12.00-16.30, Ashley Centre, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2DF

Email: Esther Knight for further details