Wellcome: Humanities and social science research bursaries



The Wellcome Trust invites applications for its humanities and social science research bursaries. These support small and medium-scale research projects based on library or archive collections supported by the trust. Projects must focus either on Wellcome library holdings or on any collection supported by a previous research resources grant, but they need not be historically grounded.

Applicants must be based in, or travelling to, the UK or Republic of Ireland. Applications are not limited to academic researchers and may be submitted by conservators, artists, performers, broadcasters, writers, public engagement practitioners and others working in the creative arts. Experienced researchers in established academic posts will normally be expected to have some publications in an appropriate field and early-career researchers holding no posts are expected to possess a doctorate or clinical qualification and to have established a research interest in biomedical science, the humanities or social sciences.

Bursaries are usually worth between £5,000 and £25,000, depending on the duration of research, and may contribute towards travel, accommodation, subsistence and photocopying costs.

Expected closing date October 2016 – see website
