Establishment of a European Policy Network of National Literacy Organisations


Deadline: 29th of August 2013; 12:00 PM

More than one in five 15-year-olds in Europe, as well as many more adults lack basic reading and writing skills. This makes it harder for them to pursue learning and to find a job, and puts them at risk of social exclusion. Aware of this serious problem, the European Commission has taken action to help improve literacy levels in Europe.

The purpose of this call for proposals is to support the establishment of one European policy network to raise awareness, gather and analyse policy information, exchange policy approaches, good practice and promising campaigns and initiatives to promote literacy in light of the Education and Training framework (ET2020) benchmark that the share of low-achieving 15-years olds in reading should be less than 15 % by 2020.

The objectives of this network are to:

  • develop country specific knowledge;
  • facilitate the exchange of good practice;
  • implement awareness-raising initiatives;
  • cooperate with other institutions and organisations working in the field of literacy both at national and EU level to promote effective literacy policies.

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