Opinion research on British attitudes to innovation


An invitation to tender to provide research services

Nesta wishes to commission a piece of detailed qualitative and quantitative opinion research on British people’s attitudes to innovation and technology, and the government’s role in promoting it.

Funding is offered up to £60,000 for the project (plus VAT where applicable), and would like the study to be completed by 2 December 2013.

Nesta would like to better understand how citizens think about innovation and technology and what governments can do to encourage them.

Research should address to what extent people value innovation and technology, how they understand the links between the development and use of new technologies and prosperity, and what they think the government should do about it and is doing about it. The study should also examine how views differ by geography and voting intention.

Deadline for tenders: 09:00 BST, 29 July 2013

For further information go to: http://www.nesta.org.uk/library/documents/ITTattitudes_to_innovation.pdf


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