Funding to Share Teaching and Learning Between Staff

Two calls which may be of interest to a broad range of academics have come out from the Higher Education Academy (HEA). The University submits a number of bids to the HEA each year with reasonable levels of success.

These calls are usually repeated each year.

Scheme: Workshops and seminars

Overview: Institutions to host and deliver a workshop or seminar and to produce an associated report for. The aims of the series are to disseminate research or evaluation work and share evidence-based policy or practice. Thematic call areas: •STEM •social sciences •arts and humanities •thematic-focused call.

Budget: Grants are worth up to £750.

Deadlines: 31 July 2013

Further Information:

Scheme: Departmental scheme grants

Overview: These support single departments in higher education institutions to encourage cooperation between colleagues in the enhancement of learning and teaching. Successful applications will demonstrate team impact across a department. See the website for this year’s key themes.

Budget: Applicants may request up to £30,000 for projects lasting up to 15 months.

Deadlines: 02 August 2013

Further Information:


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