An audience with our National Teaching Fellows


The Higher Education Academy’s National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme is a fantastic way to recognize your excellence in learning and teaching. To provide you with successful candidates’ views, come and join our audience with Dr Liz Boath and Emeritus Prof. Bernard Moss to find out more about the scheme and most importantly the benefits of being an NTF – not just the £10,000 to be used for your own professional development

The first of these sessions will take place in Stoke on 14th January 2013 at 1.00 pm till 2.00 pm in BG46, Brindley Building. A few places are still available for Staffordshire University staff. So if your interest is sparked and you want to know learn more from Liz and Bernard, then contact Liz at to confirm your attendance.

If you would like to know more about the NTF scheme in general, then follow this link