NIHR event at Staffordshire University – March 19th 2014




We are delighted to be hosting a full day of information and discussion devoted to the opportunities offered by the National Institute for Health Research,, and are looking forward to welcoming specialists in the research fields of Public Health, Health Technology Assessment and Patient Benefit as well as the Research Design Service.This will be a great opportunity to network with colleagues within and external to the University.

 Please book your place via

 NIHR funding opportunities in Public Health and Patient Benefit

 Weds 19th March 2014 – Ashley Centre Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent

 09-30 -10-00 Coffee/ Networking -All

 10-00 – 10-10 Introduction to NIHR and Overview of the day- Prof. Tony Stewart, Staffordshire University

 10-10 – 11-40 Public Health Research and Health Technology Assessment funding opportunities –Phil Taverner, Assistant Director, NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies  

 11-40 -12-20 Round Table discussion – All

 12-20 – 13-30 Lunch/ Networking

 13-30- 14-30 Research for Patient Benefit –Bob Scott, NIHR Programme Manager West Midlands; Eleanor Garratt, NIHR Programme Manager East Midlands

 14-30- 15-00 NIHR Research Design Service- Roger Beech, Keele University

 15-00 -15-40 Round Table discussion – All

 15-40 – 16-00 Concluding remarks- Prof Tony Stewart, Staffordshire University

 16-00 CLOSE