ESRC: Secondary data analysis initiative – phase 3


The Economic and Social Research Council invites applications for the third phase of its secondary data analysis initiative. This aims to deliver high-quality, high-impact research through the deeper exploitation of existing data resources. Projects must focus on the following core principles:

•maximising the use of key ESRC-funded data resources and infrastructure;

•developing the capacity of early career researchers to undertake research using complex data resources;

•keeping the initiative open in terms of thematic focus;

•working collaboratively with non-academic stakeholders to extract value from data resources for mutual benefit.

Additional primary data collection is not funded under this call, however new datasets created through data linkage are permitted. Applicants may propose research in any area of the ESRC’s remit.

Established members of UK research organisations are eligible to apply. Applicants who are not members of a research organisation must be accommodated by a research organisation and provided with appropriate facilities to carry out the research. International applicants from anywhere in the world and UK-based businesses may be included as co-investigators. This call requires the inclusion of at least one early career researcher as principal or co-investigator and strongly encourages proposals that include non-academic partners.

Grants support a maximum project duration of 18 months with an overall limit of £200,000. ESRC expects to meet 80 per cent of the full economic costs and the host institution is expected to support 20 per cent. This call expects to fund 20 to 25 grants.

Closing date 27 Jan 15

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