Next Generation Predictive Policing Project

The ‘Next Generation Predictive Policing Project’ is a new national competition that will be launched by South Wales Police and Gwent Police on Monday 19th January2015 to identify and develop innovative solutions that maximise the effectiveness of resources and enhance the service provided to the communities of Southern Wales.

This competition is jointly funded by the Police Forces, Welsh Government and Innovate UK and has been run by South Wales Police as part of the Fusion Programme, which aims to change policing through the innovative and dynamic use of technology.

The competition will seek to develop innovative solutions that utilise predictive analytic tools, methods and processes to integrate, interpret, visualise and forecast using existing and future police and partner data sets in order to assist in delivering the following outcomes:

  • Improved prevention, detection and disruption of criminal activity and disorder.
  • More efficient use of staff and resources to ensure we have the right people in the right place, at the right time.
  • Improved planning and forecasting to ensure best value is obtained from our staff and resources.
  • Provide greater information and intelligence to front line officers enabling them to provide an improved and more efficient service to the public of Southern Wales.
  • An improvement in public confidence and customer satisfaction for the local communities we police.

Organisations will be invited to compete for a share of a total £250,000 fund for the further development and commercialisation of innovative technologies, processes and business models.

The competition opens on Monday 19th January, with a briefing event for interested parties being run on Wednesday 4th February at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.

Click here for more information

If you are interested and require support please contact Naomi Arblaster in Enterprise & Commercial Development: 01785 353519,