Birmingham, February 18th: MSCA: Bridging Business and Research


An event promoting business-academic collaborations under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) scheme is taking place in Birmingham on Wednesday 18 this month.
The European Commission has launched a promotional campaign, aimed mainly at industry and SMEs, to encourage more involvement in MSCA projects from the private sector. The campaign will be running across Europe during the end of this year and the whole first semester of 2015.

  • Birmingham, University of Birmingham: 18 February 2015.

The main objective of this event is to provide more practical information on how to get involved in the MSCA schemes, and to present the latest business opportunities under the new Framework Programme for Research, Horizon 2020. The application process and examples of partnerships will be explained during these information sessions.

The registration website with agenda and practical information is available at the link below.