Latest funds on Research Professional 11/03/2016

Bi-weekly highlight of new funds posted on Research Professional.

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks, or set up your own Opportunities Alert to highlight when funding in your research area comes up.

Horizon scanning research and intelligence centre

Department of Health including NIHR, GB

Funding aims to designate and fund a single NIHR horizon scanning research and intelligence centre that will act as a centre of excellence in provision of advanced notice to national policymakers of key new emerging health technologies. The budget is worth up to £2 million per year over five years, commencing 1 April 2017.

Maximum award: £10,000,000

Closing date: 12 Apr 16


Distinguished visiting fellowships

Royal Academy of Engineering, GB

These enable an academic engineering department in a UK university to be a host for up to a month to am expert from an overseas academic centre of excellence. Fellowships are worth up to £6,000 each, and include the cost of one return air fare, accommodation and a daily allowance to cover incidental expenses.

Maximum award: £6,000

Closing date: 18 Apr 16 (recurring)


Grants for research and innovation

Nuffield Foundation, GB

These support research, practical experiments or development work in the areas of children and families, early years education and childcare, economic advantages and disadvantages, education, law in society and social wellbeing. Grants normally range from £10,000 to £250,000, with the majority worth between £50,000 and £150,000.

Maximum award: £350,000

Closing date: 18 Apr 16 (recurring)


Call for projects

Software Sustainability Institute, GB

This offers the assistance and expertise of institute staff to research groups in order to improve the long-term sustainability of software across all academic disciplines, from computational biology to nuclear fusion.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 29 Apr 16


International conference symposium scheme

British Psychological Society, GB

This supports member networks to convene a symposium at an international conference in order to help the society showcase UK psychology to international audiences, by increasing member networks’ presence at international conferences. Grants are worth between £1,500 and £3,000 each.

Maximum award: £3,000

Closing date: 01 May 16 (recurring)


Mair scholarship

RCN Foundation, GB

This enables occupational health nurses to undertake learning and development activities such as postgraduate studies or professional short courses in order to enhance patient care, patient experience and development in nursing practice. Bursaries are worth up to £5,000 each for activities that commence between August 2016 and August 2017.

Maximum award: £5,000

Closing date: 03 May 16 (recurring)


Knowledge transfer partnerships

Innovate UK, GB

These aim to facilitate the transfer of knowledge, technology and skills, and help businesses innovate and grow, by linking them with a university and a graduate. Partnerships may last between six months and three years. SMEs must contribute a third of the project costs, usually around £20,000, whereas large companies must contribute 50 per cent of the costs, usually around £30,000.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 11 May 16


Skills development fellowships – expertise at the social science interface

Medical Research Council, GB

These support training for very early career researchers in, or individuals changing disciplines to, the areas of health economics and mixed methods research. Fellowships are available for three years and they cover salary as well as costs for consumables, travel and capital equipment appropriate for the research project.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 16 Jun 16 (recurring)


Fellowships in social science

Academy of Social Sciences, GB

These contribute towards research in any area, discipline or interdisciplinary field of social science.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 17 Jun 16 (recurring)


Joint call for European cooperation

Interreg Europe, EU

Funding enables local and regional public authorities, and other local actors of regional relevance to improve the performance of regional development policy and programmes in areas relating to research, technological development and innovation, competitiveness of SMEs, low-carbon economy, and environment and resource efficiency. Projects can be co-financed at a rate of either 75 per cent or 85 per cent depending on the legal status of the project partners.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 13 May 16