Latest funds on Research Professional 29/04/2016

Bi-weekly highlight of new funds posted on Research Professional.

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks, or set up your own Opportunities Alert to highlight when funding in your research area comes up.


Project grants

British Heart Foundation, GB

These support short-term research projects lasting up to three years and costing less than £300,000. Grants may cover salaries, research consumables and equipment.

Maximum award: £299,999

Closing date: None

Small grants

Burdett Trust for Nursing, GB

These support projects that will transform services at the hospital-community interface, leading to improvements in patient care and that will empower health visitors to promote public health, particularly among vulnerable groups and communities. Grants are worth £2,000 to £8,000 over 12 months.

Maximum award: £8,000

Closing date: None

Invention for innovation (i4i) product development awards

Department of Health including NIHR, GB

These support R&D of medical devices, active implantable devices and in vitro diagnostic devices in any area of existing or emerging clinical need in order to increase patient benefit. There is no funding limit. Awards are tenable for up to three years.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 01 Jun 16



Research grants

Royal Society, GB

These provide seed-corn funding for early-career UK scientists for research within the society’s remit in the life and physical sciences, including the history of science. Two types of grants are available for a maximum period of 12 months: grants of up to £15,000 for specialised equipment, essential consumable materials and services, and travel and subsistence for essential field research; and grants of up to £15,000 for research in the history of science or up to £5,000 to assist with the publication of scholarly works on the history of science.

Maximum award: £15,000

Closing date: 01 Jun 16

Kan Tong Po visiting fellowships

Royal Society, GB

This provides additional grants under the international exchanges scheme for UK or US-based scientists to collaborate with Hong Kong-based academics, or for Hong Kong-based scientists to collaborate with academics in the UK or US. Fellowships provide up to £3,000 for airfare and subsistence for visits lasting up to three months.

Maximum award: £3,000

Closing date: 07 Jun 16

International exchanges scheme – France cost-share programme

Royal Society, GB

This stimulates new collaborations within the natural sciences between scientists in the UK and France. The Royal Society provides up to £12,000 for the UK team as a contribution towards their travel and subsistence costs. An additional £12,000 is available from the National Center for Scientific Research France towards the French team’s travel and subsistence costs.

Maximum award: £24,000

Closing date: 10 Jun 16

Scientific meeting grants

Company of Biologists, GB

These support hosting meetings, workshops and conferences within the field of biology, and encourage the sharing of knowledge across the community. Grants are generally worth from £2,000 to £6,000, depending on the size of event, and may be larger if justified.

Maximum award: £6,000

Closing date: 22 Jun 16 (recurring)



Research fellowships in humanities and social science

Wellcome Trust, GB

These enable individuals who are not yet established in academic posts to undertake a period of postdoctoral research. Fellowships provide research expenses, appropriate employers’ contributions and a salary, tenable for up to three years.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 06 Jul 16 (recurring)



Projects grants

Sir Halley Stewart Trust, GB

These support projects that focus on the prevention of human suffering, with priority given to proposals in medical, social and religious areas, with education being a central theme. Main grants are worth up to £60,000 over a period of one to three years.

Maximum award: £60,000

Closing date: None