So, What’s the Learning? #2: Disentangling cause and effect: the challenges of translating interdisciplinary research into policy


We are back with another summary blog generated from a rich and informative “So What’s the Learning” webinar.

Each #SWTL webinar offers:

  • The sharing of interesting pedagogic perspectives with the wider HE community
  • The chance to consider how such learning applies within your own context
  • Opportunity to develop tangible skill(s) for enhanced practice

Our second session: : Disentangling cause and effect: the challenges of translating interdisciplinary research into policy was led by Dr Arinola Adefila, Deputy Director of SCoLPP at Staffordshire University, and Prof Maria Lúcia T. Garcia, Professor and Postgraduate Lead for Political & Social Programmes from The Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Working across continents (during COVID lockdowns!) this research partnership dealt with concept complexity through an humanitarian lens. Negotiating the differing contexts in terms of language and culture produced rewarding outcomes for both the project and the researchers. Our presenters share their thoughts on the place of activism as educational researchers. If you need motivating or nourishing- this is the webinar for you!

Want to view the recorded webinar?

Things that resonated for us- SCoLPP’s learning points

We have pooled our reflections together in a little sketchnote. We would love to hear your learning- what did the session prompt for you?