So What’s the Learning?: #4 Hidden problems of researcher immersion: lessons learnt!

Evaluating educational transformation is a tough gig, and one that not only needs careful consideration of pedagogies but also the evaluation approaches must take into account organisational readiness.

Professor Stella Jones-Devitt, Director of the Staffordshire Centre of Learning and Pedagogic Practice, shares her experience and recommendations as our host for SCOLPP’s most recent “So, What’s the Learning (#SWTL)” webinar.

Each #SWTL webinar offers:

  • The sharing of interesting pedagogic perspectives with the wider HE community
  • The chance to consider how such learning applies within your own context
  • Opportunity to develop tangible skill(s) for enhanced practice

Professor Stella Jones-Devitt is Professor of Critical Pedagogy at Staffordshire University.

Stella has significant experience and expertise in leading, designing and implementing evaluation research. She is a National Teaching Fellow and Principal Fellow of the HEA, Visiting Professor at Leeds Beckett University and has acted as a national Ambassador for Teaching Excellence in the UK. Her academic interests include exploring and applying innovative evaluation methodologies, flexible pedagogies and applied critical thinking. She has a keen interest in understanding more about whose voices don’t get heard and why. In her prior professional career, Stella was an NHS Public Health Specialist, with a specific focus on physical activity and community engagement. She has extensive experience engaging communities in qualitative research and evaluation, and in particular, appreciative inquiry. As a critical pedagogue, Stella has particular expertise in uncovering and challenging assumptions in approaches, which ensures that research design is optimised to determine robust answers. She is presently PI for a longitudinal evaluation of QAA Scotland’s 20 Years of Enhancement Themes (£100k).

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