So What’s the Learning?: #3: Emancipatory praxis – routes towards a new learning partnership

Welcome to our third summary blog generated from a perceptive and boundary challenging “So What’s the Learning” webinar.

Our expert host for the webinar was Tyrone Messiah, Head of Technical Services at Staffordshire University.

Tyrone’s career in Higher Education dates back over two decades, beginning as a visiting lecturer at Goldsmiths College, London teaching new media technologies to excitable postgraduate curators. The next twenty years see him apply his expertise to help manage operational resources and deliver complex technological change programmes at the University of the Arts, London and the Royal College of Art before taking up his current post as Head of Technical Services at Staffordshire University in 2017.

Tyrone’s webinar shared his exploration as SCOLPP Innovator. This Innovator project revealed how adaptations to practice delivery during Covid, through the sharing of subjective experiences and storytelling, have helped to ease these tensions and bridged divisions between colleagues working at the boundary within their teaching & learning communities.

His doctoral research unpacks and explores key tensions relating to the engagement of technicians in teaching & learning and the development of their professional identities within the post-pandemic community of practice.

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