Monday 15th April 2019, Tuesday 16th April 2019, Wednesday 17th April 2019 and Thursday 18th April 2019
Time: 10am to 4pm, with all days being a mixture of practical and theory.
Venue: Sir Stanley Matthews Sports Centre
Registartion Deadline: Monday 8th April 2019.
Cost: Free. (£10 deposit needs to be paid to Arron Dunn over at the sports centre reception, to secure your place. This will be reimbursed directly after the course)
Course Info:
Level 2 Award in Principles for Coaching Sport provides learners with the knowledge needed to develop their confidence and start them on the road to engaging in coaching sport. Learners will gain the generic knowledge that all sports coaches need to plan, conduct and evaluate safe and effective coaching sessions.
The Learners will cover:
- The fundamentals of coaching sport
- How to develop participants through coaching sport
- How to support participants lifestyles through coaching sport
- The principles of safe and equitable coaching practice
The qualification also provides the foundation for all Level 2 UK Coaching Certificate (UKCC) sport-specific coaching programmes.
Awarding Body: