Tennis is a great game at any level. But the more you advance, the more challenging and rewarding it becomes.
Staffordshire University has teamed up with the LTA to provide high quality, focused training for FE and HE students, as well as teachers to inspire and stimulate every young person by deliverig innovative formats of the game, including Cardio Tennis, Timed Tennis and Team Tennis.
The LTA Secondary School and Cardio Tennis course has been developed to give you the confidence and skills you need to deliver both traditional and modified versions of the game as well as being provided with valuable resources to enhance your deliver, within the local community and a school environment.
Please see below for more detail as well as the link visit to secure your place on the course.
Course Date: Friday 22nd November 2019
Time: 9am -5pm
Venue: Staffordshire University -Sir Stanley Matthews Sports Centre
Cost: £20 per person
Registration and Payment Deadline: Friday 15th November 2019
Payment Link:
If you require any further information. Please don’t hessite to email Arron Dunn on;