How TILE can help you design immersive simulation activities

Immersive simulation – what and why?

In recent years, Staffordshire University has used funding from Health Education England (HEE) to develop innovative, simulation-based teaching approaches.

Simulation enables students to develop contextual and practical skills in a safe learning environment. This is particularly valuable for our healthcare students, who are learning how to work with real patients, but the applications of immersive simulation go far beyond the healthcare setting. For example, students can develop interview skills by talking to an AI-generated virtual human, experience tourist attractions across the globe through a VR headset, or navigate a virtual “crime scene” through 360-degree footage. Immersive technology can also help give online learners a richer learning experience, keeping them engaged with the course.

The HEE funding has enabled the University to invest in specialised software such as Virti and ThingLink. TILE’s Instructional Designer, Simran Cheema, has been working with academic staff across the different schools to use these tools to embed immersive activities into their courses.

The following example explains the process of designing and creating an immersive simulation activity. If you can see the benefits of developing something like this for your own course, details on how to make a start can be found at the end of this post.

Designing an immersive activity – a case study

Simran reached out to academic staff in the Institute of Policing to offer to make an immersive activity to develop incident response skills. In this activity, the “incident” would be a simulation of a vehicle collision, and students would need to take on the role of a police officer attending the scene.

Identifying needs

Before starting design work, Simran had a conversation with course staff to identify their needs from the activity and find out what skills and knowledge should be taught and tested. This was then broken down into constituent steps that would form the overall activity – including interactions with different virtual humans, and 360-degree interactive images.

Simran then identified the technology that would be required to build the activity:

  • Virti for the virtual human interactions
  • ThingLink to host the whole activity, with 360-degree interactive scenes, embedded Virti characters, and decision-making points with branches to show the consequences of those decisions.

ThingLink also allows for scoring and feedback, to keep the students engaged and on track throughout the simulation, and it also provides the opportunity to track a student’s success through the analytics.

Students would be able to access the simulation freely through a web link, and staff would be able to see analytics data on students’ engagement with the simulation.

Planning phase

Simran used a different tech tool – Miro – to plan out the activity in detail. Miro’s flowcharting function helped connect the different parts of the scenario and identify where branching and feedback points would be needed.

The students are to follow a linear path through the activity until they encounter a particular character in the simulation – at which point they have a choice of different options for what to do with them. The students do not get immediate feedback on whether their choice was right or wrong – they have to follow through one of different scenarios to show the consequence of their decision first. 

Design phase

With the flowchart complete in Miro, Simran then started to build the activity using ThingLink’s Scenario Builder. “Simulation” is one of the standard ThingLink templates, but there are also templates for other types of activity such as escape rooms.

Each part of the simulation required some media to be designed and embedded – such as the Virti virtual humans, and the crime scene images.

Simran designed the virtual humans so that students could interact with them in whatever way they preferred – they could speak out loud and the virtual human on screen could respond audibly, or there are text options to read and select from on screen.

The crime scene images – both 2D and 3D – were mainly generated by AI, using the built-in Skybox feature included in the Staffordshire University ThingLink license. However, we do have the in-house technology and simulation settings to capture and record different media to use in the scenario to make it even more immersive for students. For example, for transitions within the activity, video clips of our own simulated court room, custody suite or hospital corridors could be used instead of stock or generated media.

As well as the “action” scenes, Simran also built in space for important conversation points and opportunities to keep students on track with occasional feedback.

Throughout the design process, there was a lot of testing and refining to make sure it was working as intended, and Simran worked closely with the course team throughout.

Could your students benefit from immersive simulation?

If you have some ideas you’d like to explore around immersive simulation, please get in touch with TILE by emailing, or contact Instructional Designer Simran Cheema directly ( We will first identify your needs through an initial consultation and decide on the best approach, and which software to use. We will then support you through the design process as outlined in the case study above.

TILE Hub at the HSW Away Day

It was an honour to join the School of Health, Science and Wellbeing (HSW) at their Winter Expedition inspired away day!  
The event took place in the LRV at the Leek Road campus of Staffordshire University on Friday 1st December 2023. The aim was to introduce staff to the concept of “Simmersive” experiences, and with the help of games and activities, allow them to embed the concept in practice. 

Simulation has emerged as a powerful and transformative tool in providing an innovative and dynamic approach to education. In a world driven by technology and characterized by constant change, the traditional methods of learning are evolving to offer hands-on practical learning experiences. Simulation, with its immersive and interactive nature, has proven to be an asset in fostering experiential learning, critical thinking, and skill development across various disciplines. 

At Staffordshire University, we have access to many interactive technologies that can help you implement simulated practice in learning materials for students.  Our TILE Hub team was kindly invited to the HSW away day to demonstrate the tools we have at our disposal for academic staff. 


TILE Hub’s very own Simran Cheema presented this demo to staff at the away day and talked them through the features of VIRTI and the potential with this type of technology. The overall reaction was incredibly positive!

VIRTI is web and app-based software designed to transform education through immersive experiences. With VIRTI, you have the power to construct dynamic simulated environments that closely replicate real-world scenarios, providing learners with a risk-free space to navigate through intricate concepts. This innovative platform enables the creation of both 360 and 2D interactive video scenarios, allowing for a multifaceted learning experience. One of the standout features of VIRTI is the ability to program virtual humans, endowing them with unique characteristics for lifelike face-to-face interactions. Imagine engaging with virtual patients or witnesses, the possibilities are truly limitless. 

To demonstrate the creative application at the away day, Simran crafted a game of mystery diagnosis using VIRTI’s virtual human as the central storyteller. Embracing the theme of a winter expedition, participants embark on a quest to uncover patient symptoms through a series of clues presented as riddles. The virtual human guides the game, prompting participants to input their answers in the chat box, creating an interactive and engaging experience. 

If you would like to try the demo, we have made the game available below:

VIRTI Virtual Human

Screenshot of the VIRTI virtual human demo with a virtual human named Sally


ThingLink is a versatile platform that empowers users to enhance various forms of visual media through the incorporation of hotspots. Whether you begin with a map, floor plan, image, video, 360° image, 360° video, or a 3D model, ThingLink enables seamless integration to create immersive experiences.  

To showcase the platform’s capabilities at the away day, George Hill from the TILE team developed a very cool mini escape room, presented to staff by Robin Ray!

It is linked below for you to experience firsthand. Explore the interactive elements and discover the potential for innovative and engaging educational content. 

Screenshot from ThingLink escape room


We wanted to take the opportunity to showcase other tools we have access to, that we think can still contribute towards creating more engaging learning opportunities. TILE’s Rowan Walker has been working on Wooclap, a polling solution where you can create online polls for students to join.  
With 21 question types including, ‘Find on Image’ questions, brainstorming questions, fill in the blanks and more! To make things seamless, you can integrate Wooclap polls with your Powerpoint slides! 


Padlet is a unique notice board tool which is great to have for more collaboration between lecturers and students. These boards are amazing to obtain feedback, for e-portfolios and more!  
The TILE team used this to create a Padlet for feedback on the away day demonstrations by our team. If you would like to add anything or are inspired by the technology we have showcased, feel free to post on here to let us know!

HSW Away Day – Share your thoughts and tech tips ( 

Screenshot of HSW Away Day Padlet

Blackboard best practice 1 – Improving the student experience

The Blackboard Ultra Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is the main way for students at Staffordshire University to access their course materials online. Each module of every course has its own space on the VLE, populated with resources by the module instructors.

No matter how high the quality of the learning materials, students need to be able to find what they need easily. Used correctly, the technology can aid accessibility, but without a bit of careful setup it can also be a hindrance.

Here are four things you can do as an instructor or module leader to make sure your students have a more positive experience navigating your Blackboard modules.

1)    Fill in the Welcome folder documents

Each Blackboard module for the 2023/2024 academic year has been created from a Blackboard Ultra template specifically designed for best practice and tailored to suit your subject area. One important part of this template is the “Welcome and module information” folder, containing documents guiding you to give your students the information they need.

Before each module is made available, each document in the Welcome folder should be filled in and set to be “Visible to students”. That way, students always know where to look for the key information, as it will always be in the same place in every module they study.

2)    Keep things tidy in folders, subfolders and learning modules

When adding learning materials and assessments to your Blackboard Ultra module, there are a few things you can do to make them easier to navigate to:

  • It’s a good idea to have separate folders for learning materials and assessments – you might even have these set up already from the template. Click inside the relevant folder when you need to add some resources or create a new assignment.
  • Instead of adding a huge list of different resources to the learning materials folder that students will have to scroll down through, create some meaningful subfolders to sort them into. For example, if you usually release your materials on a weekly basis, you could have subfolders named by the week or date. Or it might fit your module better to arrange the resources by topic, so name your subfolders with each topic covered. You can move the subfolders around too so they follow a logical order inside the main folder.
  • Make sure you add descriptions to your folders and subfolders to tell students what they can find inside them. To do this, click on the three dots to the right of the folder and choose “Edit”, then fill in a description and “Save”.
  • Within Blackboard Ultra there are special folders called “Learning Modules” with a few extra features in the “Edit” panel. Ticking the “Forced Sequence” box means that students must access the materials in the folder in the order that you set them – they must open the first item to unlock the second, and so on. You also get the option to add an image to learning module folders to make them stand out better on the screen:

3)    Check the Gradebook for old assessments

Blackboard Ultra has a number of ways to import or copy existing content into new modules to save you time. However, you need to be very careful when copying from old modules that you don’t accidentally import old assessments with long-expired deadlines. When this happens, your current students might be notified that they have overdue work – when in fact they haven’t yet been set those assessments. It can be confusing and stressful for all involved.

The best way to avoid this is to check in the “Gradebook” tab under “Markable Items”. The only things listed there should be assignments you’ve created for this year’s module, and you can check their deadlines in the “Due Date” column. If you find any that shouldn’t be there, click the three dots to the right of them in this view and choose “Delete”.

4)    Use the Release Conditions panel

You might not want your learning materials and assessments visible to all students at all times. For example, you might want to release subfolders of resources week by week, or set different assignments to different groups of students. You might also have to create a new assessment submission point for students who are resitting, but don’t want to confuse the students who aren’t.

To help with all these situations, you can use the “Release Conditions” panel on any content in your module – folders, documents, assessments etc. To open this panel, click in the drop-down menu under the name of the item, and choose “Release Conditions”.

First you are given the choice to make the item visible either to “All members”, or to choose individual students or groups to make it visible to. (If you’ve created a “Student preview” version of yourself, you can choose that student preview user here if you want to check what the item looks like to students before you release it to everyone.)

You can set up groups from this menu if you haven’t already done so by choosing “Create a new group set”.

The other part of the panel allows you to “Set additional conditions” such as a date and time to make the item visible, as well as a second date and time to hide it again. You can even select “Performance” and only make the item available to students who have scored a certain amount on a previous assessment.

A little goes a long way

Spending an hour or so to make these tweaks and checks to your module before you start to teach can really improve the digital learning experience for students. If you need any support with Blackboard Ultra, or would like someone to check over your modules before you make them available to students, please get in touch with the TILE Hub on, or through our Blackboard channel in Teams.

TILE Hub presents the SUMEC (Staffordshire University MIE Expert Coaching) Teams community channel

TILE Hub on Teams

Hopefully you’re familiar with the TILE Hub Teams site – a community of practice facilitated by the TILE team. It’s a space for the staff at Staffs to ask questions about teaching and learning tech, share their experiences, support each other, attend drop-in sessions and find out about training and workshops. Although many people find it a helpful way to consult TILE for tech support, we encourage all members to participate in helping and inspiring each other to use digital tools to enhance their teaching.

Within the Teams site there are a number of topic-specific channels to contribute to. For example, in the “Ask a question” channel, you can do just that, and get a response from anyone in the community. In the “Blackboard” channel, colleagues support each other and share good practice around the Blackboard VLE, and any Blackboard-specific training is advertised here too.

Introducing the new SUMEC channel

This month, we’re adding a new channel specifically for sharing innovative practice using Microsoft software. Although it will be hosted on the TILE Hub site, the new “SUMEC” channel will be curated by Francesca Brown-Cornwall and other talented MIE Expert colleagues from Staffordshire University. But most importantly, EVERYONE can share their innovative uses of Microsoft tools.

Maybe you’ve created escape rooms with Sway or OneNote, maybe you’ve had some epic successes with Minecraft or Word. No matter what the context, this channel is a space to showcase fabulous Microsoft ideas. It is not intended to be a troubleshooting channel (you should still post in “Ask for Help” if you need help), but a space to see and share best practice with Microsoft education tools.

The aims of the channel are as follows:

  • To focus on how Microsoft Technologies can be used to develop teaching and learning practice.
  • To enable staff to become leaders and advocates of Microsoft Technology to enhance teaching and learning by developing digital skills.
  • To showcase the innovation and quality of Microsoft facilitated teaching and learning at Staffordshire University.
  • To facilitate accreditation, achievement and recognition of skills, such as through the MIE Expert status application.

What is an MIE Expert?

MIE stands for “Microsoft Innovative Educator”, and MIE Experts are a community of educators across the world and at all levels, not just HE. They are passionate about teaching and learning, creative, resourceful and collaborative. And, as the name suggests, they have expertise in using Microsoft tools for teaching and learning that they want to share with others.

MIE Experts need to have completed extensive online training provided by Microsoft (three of the Microsoft Learn learning paths) before they can apply to be part of the program. Self-nominations are only open once a year (maybe twice if we’re lucky), and nominees need to provide evidence of their expertise to a regional Microsoft representative in order to be accepted into the community.     

You can find out more about the process of becoming an MIE Expert here:

Where did SUMEC come from?

SUMEC MIE Expert logo

The SUMEC programme was a SCoLPP (Staffordshire Centre of Learning and Pedagogic Practice) innovators project, which you can read more about in this SCoLPP blog post. We are delighted that the legacy of this project means we have colleagues keen to share their expertise and experiences with others through the new TILE Hub channel. Hopefully, this will also inspire more staff to achieve MIE Expert status and disseminate their fantastic work with Microsoft software. We look forward to this growing community taking shape in this new Teams channel, and can’t wait to see the amazing practice facilitating high quality student experiences with Microsoft tools.

Students can experience Staffordshire University Library’s resources using ThingLink

In this blog post, Academic Librarian and Skills Tutor Jodie Heap, of Staffordshire University’s Student & Academic Services department, shares how she has been working to enhance students’ understanding of information sources with ThingLink‘s 360-degree imaging tools. If you’re interested in using ThingLink in your own work, email the TILE Hub ( to enquire about an account.

Enhancing student understanding of information sources with ThingLink’s 360-degree images

In today’s digital age, information is at our fingertips, but the challenge lies in deciphering and comprehending the vast array of sources available. At the Staffordshire University Library we strive to equip students with the skills needed to critically analyse and contextualise information. ThingLink is a powerful tool that leverages 360-degree capabilities to support students in understanding information sources more comprehensively. In this blog post, I’ll explore how ThingLink’s innovative approach can be a game-changer in education.

ThingLink: an overview

ThingLink is an interactive media platform that lets users create engaging visual experiences by adding interactive elements to images and videos. With its user-friendly interface, educators can seamlessly integrate text, images, videos, links, and other media directly into 360-degree images. This functionality transforms static images into dynamic, interactive learning tools that engage students on a deeper level.

Scaffolding understanding with 360-degree images

Imagine teaching information sources from afar by transporting students to real library sites, exploring the ambiance of the library as if they were truly there.

A still image from the Library's thinglink showing a person sat at a desk in the Library Core building surrounded by shelves of books, screens and small, circular, clickable hotspot tags.

This is the potential that ThingLink offers in the classroom. By embedding hotspots within 360-degree images, it is possible to provide contextual information, explanations, and additional resources that enhance students’ understanding.

A still image from the Library's thinglink showing a person sat at a desk in the Library Core building surrounded by shelves of books, screens and small, circular, clickable hotspot tags. One of the tags is open in a rectangular window in the centre of the screen with an image reading "hello" on the left and some text on the right.

The power of contextual understanding

Understanding information goes beyond merely reading words on a page. It involves grasping the context, background, and nuances that shape the meaning of the content. This is where 360-degree images come into play. The immersive images used provide a view of the Library Core building at Staffordshire’s Leek Road campus, allowing students to explore the environment and uncover hidden details. ThingLink takes this concept a step further by enabling educators to embed interactive hotspots within these images.

The Digital Library is often hard for users to visualise and to contextualise. By using the physical elements of the Library’s resources, it is possible to scaffold students’ understanding of equivalent digital products and further introduce resources which exist exclusively as digital products.

Check out the embedded product within the Library’s Animation & VFX Subject Guide through the following link:

A screenshot of the Library web page titled "Animation & VFX Subject Guide 2022", with the embedded "ThingLink Library Core" taking up most of the right side of the screen. The landing image for this shows library shelves and numbered circular hotspot tags.

With the University’s growing interest and commitment to immersive programs it is also worth noting that the ThingLink product can be used in VR headsets.

Closing thoughts

In a world where information is abundant and diverse, the ability to understand, contextualise, and critically analyse sources is a vital skill. ThingLink’s use of 360-degree images and interactive hotspots offers a transformative way to enhance student engagement, understanding, and retention. By immersing students in dynamic, multimedia-rich environments, it is possible to foster a deeper connection between learners and the subjects they study. As we continue to explore innovative approaches to education, ThingLink stands out as a tool that empowers both educators and students on the journey of knowledge discovery.

The Library department is constantly innovating and working with the TILE team to embed new technologies, which helps both students and staff to understand the resources and support available to them from the Library. Massive thanks to the TILE team for their ongoing innovation and support!

Immersive teaching for the Institute of Policing

TILE Hub’s George Hill (Online Distance Learning Designer) and Robin Ray (Digital Curriculum Designer) were recently invited by Institute of Policing (IoP) lecturer Karen Pirrie to talk about interactive teaching and learning software.

Karen and her IoP colleagues are in the process of updating their curriculum to adapt to the needs of their learners. These are police recruits across our partnered forces (Staffordshire, Warwickshire and West Mercia Police) who may begin their studies with Staffordshire University at different points throughout the year. They want to engage these recruits – who are keen to get started on the practical aspects of policing right away – with authentic and immersive digital content, to make sure they are actively learning the essential knowledge and skills for the job.

Here’s an overview of some of the tools that TILE recommended, with examples of how they could be used for delivery on the Policing Education Qualifications Framework (PEQF) programmes.


ThingLink allows you to combine images, video, audio and text to turn your teaching content into a much more immersive experience. It’s quick and intuitive to use – just upload a photo (including 360-degree images) or video and add hotspot tags for the user to click or tap to open up some text, audio or video relating to one part of the image. There’s also a “scenario builder” that lets you branch media into different learning pathways so the user can choose their own route.

Karen has already developed a virtual ThingLink tour to give paramedic students an immersive experience at Staffordshire University’s Crime Scene House. Using images taken from the inside and outside of the building, clickable hotspot tags were added at every point of interest. Learners can effectively walk around and look at them as if they were there – and read more detail about each hotspot.

This sort of tour could be used for formative assessment as well as content delivery – by asking learners to add their own tags to a ‘crime scene’ and share their thoughts about each hotspot in text or audio.

Decision making is a vital skill for policing students, and ThingLink’s scenario builder can help with actively developing that skill. For example, video or audio incident role plays could be recorded, with learners having to choose what to do next at key points, as if they were responding to a real incident. Depending on what they choose, another video or audio recording would open to show how the consequences of that decision might play out.

ThingLink encourages active rather than passive learning, and you can monitor how students are engaging with the content by looking at the engagement statistics on everything you share. You can drill down into the data and see how many people have clicked on each hotspot, or the amount of time they spent watching a video clip, so you can check how your content is being used and make changes if needed.


Where ThingLink helps engagement with asynchronous learning content, Wooclap is designed for live interaction with synchronous lectures, whether your students are sat in front of you in a lecture theatre or watching a live stream from home.

You can upload your lecture slides to Wooclap and embed questions and polls throughout the content. There’s a huge variety of question types you can include, from the basic multiple choice and “word cloud” questions to “fill in the blanks” and “label the image”. When you present your question-enhanced slides through Wooclap, whoever is watching can scan a QR code or access the event through a URL on their own devices and answer the questions as and when they are presented. As it links to an open website there should be no issues with institutional access either – anyone with internet access can join in, and it can comfortably be shared with up to 500 people at a time. You’ll be able to see how many people are actively engaging, and see and display their answers for immediate assessment for learning. If you want to make sure people are paying attention, you could add a “Spin the Wheel” slide to choose someone in your audience at random to respond to a question.

A potentially useful question type for policing is “Find on Image” – where a photo of, say, a potential crime scene would appear on the viewers’ devices, and they could be asked to click or tap on the important part of the image. This makes the learning immediately relevant and authentic, rather than simply testing their comprehension of the content on the slides.

As with ThinkLink, you can use Wooclap’s built-in analytics to monitor engagement, with the aim of improving it. It could be especially powerful as a tool in hybrid sessions to give all learners the same experience, whether they’re with you in person or online. Everyone responds to the same questions in the same way, which can foster a better sense of belonging for remote learners, and allows the lecturer to check everyone’s understanding and deal with any misconceptions as they arise.


Virti is a powerful simulation tool, designed specifically for vocational training. It takes a bit more setting up than either ThinkLink or Wooclap, but it can be used to immerse learners safely in real world scenarios before they have to encounter them in their work. Staffordshire’s School of Health, Science and Wellbeing already use Virti for healthcare simulations, and there is obvious potential for the IoP to use the software too.

TILE demonstrated two different features of Virti – programmable “virtual humans”, and recorded video simulations.

The animated virtual humans can be used for interactive role play, by programming them to react in certain ways (either by giving them a script of different responses, or letting generative AI do the work – see below). Learners could navigate conversations with a virtual crime suspect, witness or victim by choosing from a range of different responses.

Similarly to ThingLink, Virti can also be used with uploaded videos, to present learners with recordings of real humans acting out different scenarios, with decisions to be made at key points. For example, a day of filming (perhaps in conjunction with drama and production students in Staffordshire’s School of Digital, Technologies and Arts) could lead to an immersive virtual experience for policing students, delivered safely through their screen (or even a virtual reality headset).

Like ThingLink and Wooclap, Virti has engagement analytics so you can see who is accessing the simulations, and how they’re being used.

Using Generative AI for Assessment

Although there are many concerns around generative artificial intelligence (AI) being used inappropriately in assessment, there is also huge potential for using it deliberately, consciously and ethically to assess learner’s understanding and skills.

Text-based generative AI models work by predicting answers in text to a given prompt, drawing on a very large set of data. This means that a tool such as ChatGPT could be given a ‘persona’ (e.g. a witness to a crime) and asked to respond as if they were writing from that perspective. This script could form the basis of a role play, or a piece of text for a policing recruit to analyse and discuss.

Designing assessment tasks around critiquing the outputs of generative AI is another way of encouraging students to consider both its benefits in the workplace and its limitations. For example, ChatGPT could be asked to write a press release for a fictional incident – and learners could be asked to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the generated text, to demonstrate their understanding.

Try it for yourself

If you’re feeling inspired to use any of these tools for your own teaching at Staffordshire University, just send a quick email to the TILE Hub ( letting us know what you’re interested in, and we’ll get you set up with an account.

TILE’s Masterclasses help you get more from your VLE

Part of our work in the TILE Hub involves running training sessions on how to use the various teaching and learning tech tools available at Staffs. Over the past year, courses have been transitioning from the Original Blackboard VLE to Blackboard Ultra, and we’ve been helping you get to grips with the new features of Ultra in our Blackboard Ultra Induction and Masterclass series.

We’re running these in-person, hands-on training sessions throughout the summer, until the end of September. If you’ve not been to any yet, but are curious to know whether you might benefit from them, here’s a taste of what’s covered in each session.

Induction / Refresher (Rowan Walker)

Are you new to Blackboard and feeling a bit overwhelmed? Or perhaps you’ve used it before, but it’s been a while, and you’d love a refresher to boost your confidence? If so, the Blackboard Induction / Refresher session is just what you need.

In this comprehensive two-hour training session, I’ll take you through the fundamentals of Blackboard with live demonstrations, providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate and access the platform with ease. You’ll then get some guided hands-on experience at using Blackboard yourself, so you’ll feel more confident with navigating the interface, accessing your modules, sharing content with students, knowing where to find the different features, and engaging and communicating with students through the site.

If you’re completely new to Blackboard, I would definitely recommend attending one of my sessions before any of the Masterclasses, and give yourself a bit of time to practice and consolidate what you’ve learned of the basics.

There are two of these sessions running in August – click on the links below to book on (Staffordshire University staff only).

1st August (Tuesday) 10:00am – 12:00pm – CA202 Catalyst – IRIS Link

17th August (Thursday) 13:00pm – 15:00pm – LT114 Ashley – IRIS Link

Designing your Module Site (George Hill)

My Masterclass is focusing not only on designing your module site but also how Blackboard Ultra relates to Original, understanding why we have set up the modules the way we have, how to transfer from your old modules, and how groups can be useful when designing your modules.

The session is focused on you feeling confident as an instructor and user. It takes the form of a brief demonstration, where you can follow along on either your own module or a test site we can arrange access to. This is followed by an opportunity to ask any questions or get assistance with your own unique use-cases to help you feel more confident with Blackboard Ultra.

If you are new to Blackboard Ultra, I highly recommend all of our sessions but this one may prove very useful for understanding where things may have moved to and how you can now access everything.

There are two of these sessions running in August – click on the links below to book on (Staffordshire University staff only).

9th August (Wednesday) 11:00am – 12:30pm – CA202 Catalyst – IRIS Link

24th August (Thursday) 10:00am – 11:30am – CA201 Catalyst – IRIS Link

Using Multimedia Content (Simran Cheema)

If you are trying to find ways to engage your students in a whole new way and make your course content more accessible and dynamic, sign up for my practical Masterclass in using Multimedia Content in Blackboard Ultra. Effective use of multimedia can have a huge positive impact on your students’ learning experience, making complex concepts more understandable and fostering active engagement.

In my 90-minute training session, I will demonstrate how to use the full range of functions in the Blackboard Rich Text Editor to easily insert and present multimedia elements in your course materials. You’ll practice adding images, video and sound into your module sites, creating a rich and immersive learning experience for your students.

There’s a whole range of different tools you can embed in your Blackboard modules, such as MS Forms, YouTube videos, Padlets and ThingLink creations. You can also use integrated Lecture Capture software to share recordings of your lectures, allowing students to refer back to important learning after the lecture. I’ll show you how to do all of this in the session.

However experienced you are with Blackboard Ultra, I hope you come away from this Masterclass with new ideas about how make your modules more creative and accessible.

There are two of these sessions running in August – click on the links below to book on (Staffordshire University staff only).

10th August (Thursday) 11:00am – 12:30pm – CA202 Catalyst – IRIS Link

21st August (Monday) 11:00am – 12:30pm – CA202 Catalyst – IRIS Link

Assessments (Robin Ray)

What I’d like people to get out of the Assessments Masterclass is twofold. Firstly, I want to make sure anyone setting formative or summative assessments on Blackboard knows how to set them up correctly from the start to avoid running into some all-too-common problems later in the academic year, when the pressure is on for marking and releasing feedback. Prevention is better than cure!

Secondly, I want to open up a conversation around more creative, authentic and appropriate ways to use the different digital assessment tools available. The discussions we’ve had about this in the sessions so far have been really interesting (for me at least!).

The 90-minute session starts by questioning which of the assessment tools is right for your needs: Turnitin, Bb Assignments, Bb Tests, or maybe something else entirely. I’ll then give you some step-by-step guidance on setting up each of those three main tools, and I encourage you to follow along by setting up a test assignment on your own module (or a test site if you prefer). You can ask me questions throughout, and once you’ve got to grips with the setup, we’ll discuss some wider considerations around assessments (e.g. accessibility, plagiarism). I’ll also show you where you can get further support for setting up assessments after the class.

There are two of these sessions running in August – click on the links below to book on (Staffordshire University staff only).

11th August (Friday) 13:00pm – 14:30pm – CA202 Catalyst – IRIS Link

22nd August (Tuesday) 13:00pm – 14:30pm – CA202 Catalyst – IRIS Link

Using the Mobile Apps (Julia Wisniewska)

Did you know that you can access Blackboard through an app for your mobile device, as well as through a web browser? In my practical Masterclass, I’ll demonstrate how you can use the Blackboard Learn Mobile App to help improve student engagement inside and outside of the classroom.

In the 90-minute, hands-on session, I’ll walk you through the functionality of the app and functions, including both the staff and student views. I’ll explain how to manage your module sites through the app (e.g. on a tablet device), including how to set-up and manage a poll and how marking assessments works. There’s also time to discuss the functionality of the app and its various pros and cons.

There are two of these sessions running in August – click on the links below to book on (Staffordshire University staff only).

7th August (Monday) 10:00am – 11:30am – CA202 Catalyst – IRIS Link

23rd August (Wednesday) 14:00pm – 15:30pm – CA202 Catalyst – IRIS Link

Can’t make the August dates?

We’ll be offering more Masterclass dates in September, so keep a close eye on the TILE Hub teams channel and Workvivo for updates. We’re also hoping to arrange some online sessions for those colleagues who can’t attend the Stoke campus in person.

Welcome to Rafy – a new addition to the TILE Hub team

The TILE team recently added a new member – our Assistant Learning Designer Azharul Rafy. Here’s Rafy talking about his background, interests and his role at Staffs in his own words.

Azharul rafy – Assistant Learning Designer

A smiling man with short black hair and beard standing on a grassy lawn with trees in the background, giving a double thumbs up sign. He is wearing a light brown sweatshirt and blue jeans.

As an enthusiastic international student from Bangladesh, I am currently pursuing an MSc in Digital Marketing Management at Staffordshire University. With a strong passion for digital marketing, I have embarked on a placement opportunity with TILE Hub, where I serve as an Assistant Learning Designer.

During my placement, I immersed myself in a dynamic learning environment, collaborating closely with the TILE Team to gain in-depth knowledge of the cutting-edge technologies and tools utilized in Higher Education. My diverse range of responsibilities includes assisting with event management, where I have been able to develop invaluable skills in organizing and coordinating podcasts, workshops, and other engaging activities.

Drawing from my previous experience as a content creator on YouTube, I brought a unique perspective to my role, and I manage social media for TILE Hub. With expertise in YouTube video optimization, I ensure maximum visibility and engagement for the TILE hub’s content. In addition, I apply creative flair and strategic thinking to develop captivating social media strategies, designing and publishing posts across platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Through my efforts, I am successfully promoting upcoming events and activities, fostering a vibrant community around TILE Hub.

I believe, with my dedication to my studies and gaining practical experience in Digital Marketing, I will become a valuable asset to any team. With a focus on continuous learning and growth, I aspire to leverage my skills and knowledge to create impactful marketing campaigns, driving success in the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

Outside of my academic and professional pursuits, I enjoy exploring new avenues for creativity and expression, constantly seeking to push boundaries and make a positive impact in the digital world.

Welcome to the Staffordshire TILE Hub

A very warm welcome to this brand new blog from the Teaching Innovation and Learning Enhancement team (TILE for short).

The TILE team are here to help staff and students embed and use technology to enhance the teaching and learning process. We’re currently working on a range of different projects, alongside running training sessions, providing bespoke support, and helping to develop an academic community of practice through various networking and showcase events. 

Why we’re starting a blog

Unless you’re a regular attendee at our events, or are working with one of us on a specific project, you might not be aware of all the ways we’re already using tech at Staffordshire University. So this is another way that we can spread the word and encourage curiosity and wider discussion about technology in Higher Education.

It’s also a platform to directly showcase some of the things you might want to incorporate in your teaching – watch this space.

Who are the TILE team?

Here are the team in their own words…

Anshul Lau – Digital Academic Developer

Full length shot of a man with short black hair in a black tuxedo, white shirt and black bow tie holding a large brown owl, standing next to a brick building on a brick paved side street at night

I am currently the Team Lead at TILE Hub, focusing on fostering excellence in digital learning ecosystems. My role involves aligning digital learning services with the university’s teaching and learning goals, collaborating with stakeholders, and developing and enhancing digital learning services. I have successfully led projects in Higher Education and Further Education institutions, and I hold qualifications such as SFHEA and CMALT. With a background in Digital Education and online distance learning, I bring valuable insights to enhance institutional digital learning practices. I am also a certified Lego Serious Play Facilitator and pursuing the Data Science and AI Educators program, allowing me to contribute innovative strategies to the evolving digital learning landscape. As a creative technology and education leader, I am dedicated to improving the student learning experience, and drive innovation and excellence in digital learning.

George Hill – Online Distance Learning Designer

Previously I have worked within Online Radio, leading on the development of asynchronous training for our global team. I have also worked with the TILE Hub as a Graduate Project Officer focusing on content production and videography. I am mainly focused on the development of Online & Distance learning courses, the implementation of immersive and interactive teaching technologies (such as ThingLink and Padlet), the uses of simulation and VR around the classroom and supporting DTA with Blackboard. I will also be running masterclasses throughout the summer on Blackboard module design as well as assisting in the design of Micro-credentials.

Head and torso shot of a person with a full brown beard wearing a dark blue shirt and a Staffordshire University lanyard. He is standing in the Learning Market in the Catalyst building wearing a virtual reality headset.

Simran Cheema – Instructional Designer

Head and shoulders shot of a person with long brown hair and a pale pink top in a sunny garden

I am a Master of Chemistry graduate with 2 years’ experience designing and creating virtual lab simulations specializing in higher education science topics. I am responsible for the development of interactive e-learning courses for staff development and training, and supporting the development of Simulated courses with the use of AR, VR and mixed reality. However, I am currently working on the lecture capture project (trialling two systems: Echo360 and Panopto) and supporting HSW with Blackboard. I will also be running Blackboard masterclasses throughout the summer focusing specifically on Multimedia, and upskilling on VIRTI to encourage the application of this technology in courses University-wide.

Robin Ray – Digital Curriculum Designer

I’m a former FE mathematics teacher with a background in educational and tech publishing. As well as supporting JSS and IoE with using the Blackboard VLE, I’m currently investigating e-portfolio software and alternative hybrid and flexible learning modalities. I’ll be running some Blackboard masterclass training sessions over the summer focusing on Assessments, and will be having input into design sprints for new courses later in the year.

Head and shoulders shot of a person with a light orange fringe under a grey wooly hat wearing a blue walking jacket, with a backdrop of a misty mountain range

Rowan Walker – Student Digital Engagement Officer

Head and shoulders shot of a person with a short beard and glasses wearing a burgundy hat, blue jacket, shirt and a blue tie, standing outside some buildings with a blue sky

Hello, I’m the Student Digital Engagement Officer for TILE Hub. My primary objective within our team is to specifically reach out to students and promote sessions and events that foster digital initiatives at Staffordshire University. As a Film graduate with a passion for interactive technologies, I’m excited to organize a variety of sessions throughout the academic year, allowing students to experience these technologies firsthand. You may have already seen me leading staff sessions in the past, such as the Blackboard Induction sessions or the polling app workshops. I want to assure you that these sessions are still ongoing, and I encourage you to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of these opportunities further!

Julia Wisniewska – Assistant Learning Designer – E-Learning (SPO)

I am a Games Art student, just about to graduate. I have experience with both traditional and 3D art. At work, I assist my team with their masterclasses, and I teach my own class about the Blackboard Mobile App. Aside from that, I participate in a JISC project that helps students and staff in determining the level of their digital skills and I support staff with Blackboard.

Head and shoulders shot of a person with long brown hair and a fringe, wearing a green top and pendant necklace, standing in front of buildings with a blue sky

Follow us…

We have a dedicated Staffs TILE Hub YouTube channel where you can find instructional guides, unboxing videos, webinar recordings and more.

You can follow us on Twitter (@StaffsTILEHub) or Instagram (staffs_tilehub) too.

And if you haven’t already, add yourself to the TILE Hub on Microsoft Teams, where you can chat with a community of colleagues about all things TILE.

Want to share your work?

If you’ve been using or trialing something new or innovative in your teaching, we’d love to hear about it and invite you to contribute to this TILE Hub blog. Please let us know by completing this short form and we’ll be in touch: