Crime Scenes

Emphasis and Approach

Each of the work streams identified by Staffordshire Police Forensics contains a variety of topic areas that require additional research and development through the partnership.  Some are reactive and others proactive, the areas identified for this work stream are listed below:

  • 17020 & 17025 implementation
  • Evidence Capture / recovery – digital & physical
  • Proficiency Testing Schemes
  • DNA recovery method comparison
  • Trial of new equipment
  • Develop new R&D opportunities

Ongoing and Recent Projects

The following have been identified within the workstream as potential projects to take forward.

  • Implement projects and activities that will aid compliance with Forensic Science Regulator Codes of Practice and accreditation.
  • Utilise student projects to test maximise evidence recovery/capture.
  • Trial new equipment
  • Plan for future changes in the forensic landscape by investigating new technologies and methods.
  • Look at the force’s approach to ‘cannabis factories’

Helpful Definitions

Digital Evidence: aka electronic evidence is any probative information stored or transmitted in a digital form that can be utilised in a court of law.

Physical Evidence: Any item, whether biological, chemical or impression, that can be utilised in a court of law.

ISO/IEC 17025 and 17020: standards to which forensic providers and police must adhere and which must underpin quality systems being implemented. These standards form the basis of accreditation. 17025 refers to the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories and 17020 refers to the requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection.

Proficiency Testing: determination of the performance of individuals and laboratories for specific tests, measurements or tasks. Used to monitor continuing performance.