Digital and Cyber

Emphasis and Approach

Each of the work streams identified by Staffordshire Police Forensic contains a variety of topic areas that require additional research and development through the partnership.  Some are reactive and others proactive, the areas identified for this work stream are listed below:

  • Wireless Acquisition
  • New Developments – eg. Wearable Technology
  • Smarter/Faster Acquisition
  • CCTV Capture and Viewing
  • Environment Scanning
  • Ongoing Research and Development –Develop New R&D Opportunities

Ongoing and Recent Projects

The following have been identified within the work stream as potential projects and areas of focus to take forward:

  • Quality Standards in the Digital and Cyber World
  • Student Preparedness pre Placement
  • Supporting specialist teams within Staffs Police via guides and an App.
  • Validation work – ground truth data etc.