Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get to the Children’s lab?

It is very easy! We are located on the Leek Road Campus of Staffordshire University. We are on the main bus route from Hanley to Stoke/Newcastle and parking is available.

Can I bring my other children?

There is a comfortable waiting room with toys, so you can bring your other children too. Please note that your children will remain your responsibility at all times.

I have friends with young children. Could they also participate in one of your studies?

Of course! Many of our registrations and consequential participation come by word-of-mouth. Please share this website and our contact information with any interested friends or family who have young children age 0-5 years).

What happens with the data you collect?

We present the results of our research in articles, books, and talks for psychology audiences. We are also very keen to share our findings with the general population and will make press releases about new research findings. If you would like to know more about any of our research please contact us and we will happily discuss it with you.

Will you be able to tell me how my child is developing?

Our studies look at general patterns of development , not individual children. We cannot identify where individual children are developmentally based on this kind of work. To draw conclusions about an individual, we would need to do a lot more assessment to check the reliability of the behaviours, and this is not the kind of work we do because we are interested in overall patterns.

Research Ethics

All of our studies are approved by the Ethics committee at Staffordshire  University. Information about you and your child is confidential and all data is kept anonymous. Personal details will be kept securely and only for the purpose stated. You can ask for your details to be removed from our database at any time.