Create Place (2019 – 2024): The Placemaking and Co-Creation Leadership Programme

We continue on our Create Place journey with our current Create Place Heritage & Digital Leadership Programme (2025 – 2028). But if you want to access any of the prior webpages for Create Place Co-Creation & Placemaking Leadership Programme (2019 – 2024), you can find the pages here:

Between January 2019 and January 2024, we ran a fully Arts Council England-funded leadership programme,  focussing on place-making and co-creation. Applications were invited from creative, heritage, library and cultural professionals with a specific interest in placemaking and co-creation. 

This formed our current Create Place fellows and leaders network and we are still supporting this network via our VLE environment and annual networking events. If you are a fellow from that time, make sure you put yourself onto our map of fellow profiles, and you can connect with other fellows via contact details:

Our inaugural leadership programme was created in 2019 by a network of cultural leaders based in North Staffordshire and Cheshire East and creative organisations with a remit for sector development.  It offered essential management, leadership and cultural production skills, one-to-one coaching and live embedded experiences, benefitting from more than 16 cultural partners in the consortium. Fellows on the programme formed a close peer network and benefitted from direct access to leading cultural organisations. In addition, train-the-trainer sessions provided coaching skills for established cultural organisations.

We still have plans to roll out another arts/creatives-focused leadership programme together with our partners, but on our current programme, we are offering applicants to lean into their placemaking and co-creating passions through attending to the heritage of places and the digital tools that can help connect the communities and organisations with these places.

So if you are interested in exploring your leadership journey in the context of heritage and digital, head to our main pages at  and apply.