Please read the section “About the Programme” to make sure this programme is right for you. You can download the Application pack here:

Completing the application form
To apply please complete the form at the end of this document and sent to :
Applications will go through a shortlisting process and successful applicants will be notified of their place on the course 4 weeks before start. Participants have the choice to submit the complete word form, or if so preferred, submit relevant section as a short video covering the aspects in the application form. Please upload to a site such as vimeo and email us at above address the link to the video and any passwords needing to access the video application.
To note: This is not about the artistic quality of your video and filming yourself on your phone, in portrait or landscape, is fine, but when submitting video answers please ensure:
- The camera is stationary and you are not holding it whilst filming.
- We can see and hear you clearly.
- Your video is private.
- You have sent us the relevant link and password (if needed) to access the video.
- Your video for each answer is no longer than 6 minutes total.
For guidance on how to upload a video to YouTube please follow this link:
CREATE PLACE is committed to diversifying the arts sector. We particularly encourage applications from groups who are underrepresented in the creative and cultural sector including people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds and disabled people. Please note there are limited bursaries available upon request to support travel costs for participants based outside the region (North Staffordshire and Cheshire East) and to support access needs.
If you would like to talk to a member of the team about your application, or need any access or technical support please contact us on or call 01782 295815 and ask for Carola Boehm.

If there no application forms attached to this document, please register your interest by emailing and requesting an application pack for the CREATE PLACE programme. Please let us know if you need a different format.
You can download the Application pack here: