Healthcare in the UK

Hi Everyone,

This week we have another webinar for you to watch. It’s all about the Healthcare system in the UK. It’s important for you to understand how our NHS works.

You never know when you might need an ambulance, doctor or medication. It’s important to know that the NHS is there for you, no matter what race, gender or ethnic background. It’s also free at the point of use, however there are some conditions for international students.

Webinar Video:


PDF Guide: 


As always, feel free to contact us on if you have any questions.

Bookable Taxi Service

Our bookable taxi service is now available for bookings.

If you wish to be met when you arrive at the airport by a local taxi representative and be taken directly to your accommodation then you might wish to consider using our bookable taxi service.

Our taxi service is available for those students arriving at the following airports and would like direct transportation to their accommodation.  


The service will operate from the following airports:

Manchester International Airport

Birmingham International Airport

Liverpool Airport

East Midlands Airport

London Heathrow Airport

The costs will be as follows (these costs are based on your accommodation being at our Stoke on Trent Campus or Stafford Campus).  If you are staying more than 5 miles from either of these campuses, please email and we will provide you with a personalised quote.  

Manchester – £72

Birmingham – £96

East Midlands – £84

Liverpool – £96

London Heathrow – £240

Taxis must be booked a minimum of 10 days in advance of your arrival to guarantee a pickup although we will accept bookings with less than 10 days notice but we cannot guarantee availability – you will be advised of availability when the booking request is receiving.

Please only book this service once you have confirmed your flight as it will not be possible to refund the money once the booking has been confirmed with the taxi company.

To book the service please go to:  Taxi booking Service 2021


If you have any questions, please get in touch by emailing

Stay Safe

Money, Banking and Budgeting

Hi Everyone, 

Hope you are all doing well! We have another webinar for you to get stuck in with this week and it’s all about Money, Banking and Budgeting. 

Budgeting is an important part of everyday life and it’s something which all students have to learn, not just internationals. While it’s not the most exciting subject it is an important life skill and can often mean you can afford those luxuries from time to time.

To help make budgeting for your studies that little bit easier for you, we have created three simple guides to help.

Introduction video:

Webinar Video:

PDF Guide: Money and Banking – International Students

If you would like to go through the webinar at your own pace, you can scroll through the PowerPoint here: Webinar PowerPoint

Take our quiz on UK money here: 

As always if you have any questions, you can always email us on 

About Where You Will Live

Hi Everyone,

In this week’s update we are going to share with you all about Stoke-On-Trent.

Stoke is the city in where most of you will be staying for your time at University and it is a city rich in heritage. Being the world capital of pottery you will notice that everywhere you look there is some link to Stoke’s pottery history.

Portia Bentley has very kindly made a guide to Stoke-On-Trent.
In the guide Portia explains all about the 6 towns of Stoke and their history, you can watch it here: All Things Stokie Video

Stoke also has it’s own network of Canals. Both the Trent and Mersey and Caldon Canals are within a 5-minue walk from campus. 

Please keep an eye out on your emails over the coming weeks, because we will be sending out more key information about getting ready for University. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch, please email: 

Please note we are no longer running the webinars on Microsoft Teams and instead uploading them to YouTube for you to access when you like. Please use the email above for any questions relating to the PowerPoints and videos. 

Have a great week!