About Where You Will Live

Hi Everyone,

In this week’s update we are going to share with you all about Stoke-On-Trent.

Stoke is the city in where most of you will be staying for your time at University and it is a city rich in heritage. Being the world capital of pottery you will notice that everywhere you look there is some link to Stoke’s pottery history.

Portia Bentley has very kindly made a guide to Stoke-On-Trent.
In the guide Portia explains all about the 6 towns of Stoke and their history, you can watch it here: All Things Stokie Video

Stoke also has it’s own network of Canals. Both the Trent and Mersey and Caldon Canals are within a 5-minue walk from campus. 

Please keep an eye out on your emails over the coming weeks, because we will be sending out more key information about getting ready for University. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch, please email: ISA@Staffs.ac.uk 

Please note we are no longer running the webinars on Microsoft Teams and instead uploading them to YouTube for you to access when you like. Please use the email above for any questions relating to the PowerPoints and videos. 

Have a great week! 

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